Your first chat bot with python!


David Munoz Tord


June 27, 2023

By David Munoz Tord

Goal: Learn about language models and familiarize yourself with some of the basic functions of the {languagemodels} to create your own chat bot.

{languagemodels} is a python module designed to be as simple as possible for learners and educators exploring how large language models intersect with modern software development. The interfaces to this package are all simple functions using standard types. The complexity of large language models is hidden from view while providing free local inference using light-weight, open models. All included models are free for educational use, no API keys are required, and all inference is performed locally by default.

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import languagemodels as lm"What color is the sky?")
'The color of the sky is blue.'

Fetching 6 files:   0%|          | 0/6 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Fetching 6 files: 100%|##########| 6/6 [00:00<00:00, 8053.06it/s]

To easy, let’s try something a bit harder"If I have 7 apples then eat 5, how many apples do I have?")
'You have 8 apples.'


Indeed the model performance is quite low because the models used by this package are 1000x smaller than the largest models in use today. They are useful as learning tools, but if you are expecting ChatGPT or similar performance, you will be very disappointed…

The base model should work on any system with 512MB of memory, but this memory limit can be increased. Setting this value higher will require more memory and generate results more slowly, but the results should be superior.

#lm.set_max_ram('4gb')"If I have 7 apples then eat 5, how many apples do I have?")
'You have 8 apples.'

Yeah, here we go little (4gb) buddy!

Now that we got the basics, let’s play with it! You can change the prompt like such'''
     System: Respond as a physics professor.

     User: What is relativity?

'Relativity is the theory of relativity, which describes how time and space are relative to each other.'

lm.complete("She hid in her room until")
' the night sky turned blue.'

'Physics is the natural science of matter, involving the study of matter, its fundamental constituents, its motion and behavior through space and time, and the related entities of energy and force. Physics is one of the most fundamental scientific disciplines, with its main goal being to understand how the universe behaves. A scientist who specializes in the field of physics is called a physicist.\n\nPhysics is one of the oldest academic disciplines and, through its inclusion of astronomy, perhaps the oldest. Over much of the past two millennia, physics, chemistry, biology, and certain branches of mathematics were a part of natural philosophy, but during the Scientific Revolution in the 17th century these natural sciences emerged as unique research endeavors in their own right. Physics intersects with many interdisciplinary areas of research, such as biophysics and quantum chemistry, and the boundaries of physics are not rigidly defined. New ideas in physics often explain the fundamental mechanisms studied by other sciences and suggest new avenues of research in these and other academic disciplines such as mathematics and philosophy.\n\nAdvances in physics often enable new technologies. For example, advances in the understanding of electromagnetism, solid-state physics, and nuclear physics led directly to the development of new products that have dramatically transformed modern-day society, such as television, computers, domestic appliances, and nuclear weapons; advances in thermodynamics led to the development of industrialization; and advances in mechanics inspired the development of calculus.'